Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in quite some time....we have had a lot of visitors in the past few months and Aiden has been loving all of the attention!!!!! We've also been busy getting ready for Troy's 30th birthday party and doing some new things in the yard. Grandpa George has been helping a lot and it's really been a blessing to have he and Adina so close.

We had a wondeful month in March and a great Easter! Baby Aiden is now 5 months old and 1 week and is growing so fast. He's practicing sitting up by himself and is so active. I'm planning on making my own baby food (got a good book) and have been reading up on what he can/can't have for his first foods. It's really been wonderful getting to stay at home with him while he grows for the first year. I have been working at the winery on the weekends and am still loving it. Troy is looking for a job, but in the meantime, is doing lots of improvements on the house and yard while the weather is still cool .

We are looking forward to seeing everyone for Troy's 30th!!! And he still can't believe how old he is :) Love you all and hope I can post again soon! Here are some pictures to enjoy!


  1. Great to see Aiden's growth. He's a cutie! Happy Easter to you too. I stayed home sick but we had ham anyway ;-) Nilla and Craig

  2. Love getting the updates Hol. Since we don't get to see you that often, this is the next best thing. Glad you had a great Easter. We did as well. Let's schedule our April "date". Love & miss you.
